Wednesday, February 2

How to fix your Airport connectivity; Part 1

If you're having trouble with your internet connectivity, first try turning your Airport off, then back on. If your computer does not automatically connect to a network, try choosing a network on the drop down menu. If there are no networks available, try connecting using an Ethernet cable. If there isn't an Ethernet cable available, and there really ought to be at least one network, seeing as you're paying for it, and can usually pick up at least three other networks on your block, open Internet Connect, and try changing your network from there.

If your MacBook still refuses to register any available networks, in spite of persistent urging that yes, the modem is working and no one else is having a problem, try resetting your location. If, to your increasing frustration, your Mac still does not register any available networks, go into Internet Connectivity, and try to manually input your network. It will ask you to type the network name, and enter the password. If the password doesn't work, check the box marked "display password", and try again. If after the fifteenth time you enter the password, your MacBook still insists that you are either misinformed or committing some obvious typo, no matter what the dictionary tells you, curse profusely and elaborately while angrily hitting apple-Q, shut down your entire computer, get up, and walk away.

Come back to your computer after a few minutes and reboot. While it starts up, allow yourself to calm down enough to decide that no, you don't really need the hammer, and while the pliers are very nice, they probably aren't going to be very helpful. After you've put them away, come back to your computer, and click on the Airport symbol. If nothing happens immediately, do not be alarmed. Your computer has just started up, and might be running slowly. Wait a few moments. If still nothing happens, try clicking on it again. If your computer still does not register that you are attempting to fix your Airport problem, try moving the mouse over the dock. Become mildly alarmed when the dock does not register that you are scrolling over it. Begin clicking wildly on every icon in your dock and on your desktop. Rapidly lose calm as computer fails to respond and starts whirring loudly. Hit Apple-Option-Escape frantically and to no avail. Giggle hysterically for several minutes to ease tension. Shut down computer manually. Do not restart. For further assistance in fixing your Airport connectivity, seek professional aid.

Thought of the Day: I spend far too much time talking about my clothing.


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