Sunday, September 13

Je suis en retard (playing catch-up)

Alright. This is just easier right now.

Bonne nuit, tout le monde.


  1. lol Aishaness, I adore you! xD I love how you were like "OMGZORS we're gonna play catch up! I have so much to tell you! *oh look shiny thing and forgets to tell us ANYTHING about your life* :P Haha, I jest and you love me :) Your room looks cute, though! I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Through your video blogs it makes me feel like I'm actually talking to you. In person. Which may or may not ever happen again since you like to vanish :) Haha!

    P.S. - Your eyes are massively funny to watch xD Much love! <333

  2. I like the clocks on the side showing NY and Paris time.

    Love you!
